Builders and Real Estate Painting Services

Trusted painting contractors for your property needs

From touch ups to pre-sale repainting, Houston Painting offers professional interior and exterior painting services for builders and investment property managers and owners.

Our team appreciates the need to refresh the look of a property while keeping maintenance costs low. We tailor painting solutions to suit your unique property and budget requirements—there is no job too big or small.

Our team offers a full range of services for real estate agencies and builders, including:

  • Interior and exterior painting
  • Plaster repair
  • Professional colour consultations
  • Water damage repair
  • Maintenance plans

As the preferred painter for numerous builders and real estate agencies in Brisbane, we pride ourselves on the relationships that we build with our clients. We have a proven history of delivering prompt and professional service at a competitive price.

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Why Choose Houston Painting?

  • Fast quote turnaround

    Our free quotes are turned around in 24 hours, and itemised to outline any damage caused by tenants. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss a customised maintenance schedule, you can speak directly with our friendly business owner, Kev.

  • Superior paint finishes, satisfaction guaranteed

    All of our work is backed by a five-year warranty, so you can be confident in the quality of our workmanship. Our team delivers superior paint finishes, using premium, long-lasting paint products that save you time and money in the long run. We also offer a free 12-month review of our work to ensure you’re satisfied.

  • Trusted by owners, managers and tenants

    When you hire Houston Painting, you can be confident in the protection and security of your property. Our painters are punctual, and always demonstrate the highest level of respect to any occupants, working to minimise disruption and maintain their privacy.

  • Maximise value with a colour consultation

    Boost your investment with an in-house colour consultancy session and get the right advice about what works. As an experienced, Dulux-accredited business, we can talk with you about proven colour schemes and the quality of the products, so you can be confident in your decision.

Work with a business that understands the needs of builders and landlords…

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